Forms present themselves at the most critical moments. Make forms quick and easy to complete using these principles.
(Continued from Chapter 4: Registration)
17. Build user-friendly forms.
Forms should be compatible with how users enter information. Design screens that can interpret multiple input formats rather than make the user adapt to the app's limitations. Also, ensure that form fields are not obstructed from view by interface elements such as the keyboard. As the user completes form fields, automatically advance each field up the screen. It's also a good idea to include efficiencies like auto-populate, auto-capitalization, and credit card scanning.
18. Communicate form errors in real time.
Users dislike when they go through the process of filling out a form only to find out at submission, that they've made an error. Provide real-time error information to alleviate this pain point and continuously clarify to the user when an area of a form is successfully completed or validated. Test the experience to ensure that the process is smooth, and the flow is not disrupted.
19. Match the keyboard with the required text inputs.
App users appreciate apps that provide an appropriate keyboard for text entry. Ensure that this is implemented consistently throughout the app rather than only for certain tasks but not others.
20. Provide helpful information in context in forms.
Have relevant, in-context information ready to assist users to move through the form easily. For example, when scheduling dates, users appreciate context like a monthly calendar to identify days of the week, eliminating the need to leave the app to check the smartphone's calendar. It also reduces the risk of the user becoming distracted by another task.