Animation showing pictures of diverse people standing in swimsuits, attending an event, preparing to cycle and playing football, in geometric shapes, with a "play" icon
Animation showing pictures of diverse people standing in swimsuits, attending an event, preparing to cycle and playing football, in geometric shapes, with a "play" icon
Animation showing a bar chart with percentage on the x-axis, with following figures: Young people - 42%, Elderly - 29%, Asian - 35%, Black - 42%, White - 45%, People with a disability - 32%, Average across all audiences - 39%, Ideal - 100%
Animation showing a bar chart with percentage on the x-axis, with following figures: Young people - 42%, Elderly - 29%, Asian - 35%, Black - 42%, White - 45%, People with a disability - 32%, Average across all audiences - 39%, Ideal - 100%
Bar chart with people preparing for a cycle in the back ground
Bar chart with people preparing for a cycle in the back ground
Bar chart with a picture of a man and a child looking at a tablet, with following figures - YouTube - 78%, Netflix - 77%, TikTok - 74%, Prime Video - 69%, Instagram - 66%, BBC - 61%, Twitter - 60%, Channel 4 - 56%, ITV - 55%, Facebook - 50%
Bar chart with a picture of a man and a child looking at a tablet, with following figures - YouTube - 78%, Netflix - 77%, TikTok - 74%, Prime Video - 69%, Instagram - 66%, BBC - 61%, Twitter - 60%, Channel 4 - 56%, ITV - 55%, Facebook - 50%
Bar chart with following figures - Monthly YouTube users - 53%, Daily YouTube users - 64%
Bar chart with following figures - Monthly YouTube users - 53%, Daily YouTube users - 64%
Bar chart with following figures - Monthly YouTube users - 72%, Daily YouTube users - 60%
Bar chart with following figures - Monthly YouTube users - 72%, Daily YouTube users - 60%
Bar chart with following figures - Monthly YouTube users - 50%, Daily YouTube users - 62%
Bar chart with following figures - Monthly YouTube users - 50%, Daily YouTube users - 62%