While Ramadan remains Indonesia's peak shopping season, shopping-related searches tend to increase again toward year end, giving marketers new opportunities across the year to connect with consumers. Let's take a peek at how Indonesians will be searching and what they’ll be searching for this shopping season.
‘Tis the season to shop: Indonesia
September 2018
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‘Tis the season to shop: Indonesia
September 2018Others are viewing
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1 Most searched shopping-related queries on Google.com in the run-up to key shopping events.
2 Google Trends (ID; “Harbolnas” - Top and Trending Terms; 12/4/17—1/1/18; Shopping Web Search).
3 Google Trends (ID; “Hijab tutorial” - Top and Trending Terms; 12/4/17—/1/18; Shopping Web Search).
4 Google Trends (ID; “Oppo,” “Xiaomi,” ”iPhone;” 12/4/17—1/1/18; Shopping Web Search).