Want to understand how your display campaigns compare to those across the rest of the ad industry? Or how different ad formats and sizes perform compared to each other? This tool lets you pull up-to-date industry benchmarks such as click-through rate, interaction rate and time, expansion rate and video completions. You can slice the data by country, vertical, ad size and ad format, and can view it as a map, data snapshot, or a trends view.
Did you know?
- People are engaging and interacting more frequently and for more time now than they ever have before. Interaction rate and time, engagement rate and time, and video completions are all on the rise.
- Clicks and interaction rates correlate strongly with ad size. The larger the ad, the more people will interact.
- It seems that different ad formats are better suited for different campaign goals: expanding formats lead to higher interaction rates while in-page formats lead to higher interaction times.
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