We asked 11,000 people in 11 markets what they expect from their online ad experiences.1
Here’s what we learned.
Today, people struggle to trust brands with their information because they don’t know why or how their information is used.
80% of consumers in surveyed countries are concerned about the state of their online privacy today.
53% of consumers in surveyed countries don’t feel like they understand where they can access information that is collected about them online.
Many people want to know why they see certain ads. But they don’t know where to look.
So what can businesses do to earn people’s trust and increase brand engagement?
At the same time, marketers must adapt to new regulations while continuing to get the user insights they need to deliver relevant ad experiences.
We asked thousands of people this question and learned that ads privacy is a requirement for earning their trust and loyalty.
Let’s talk about what they mean for your business.
Four key levers matter the most:
Earn people’s trust by keeping their information safe and not collecting or sharing it without their permission.
59% of consumers in surveyed countries say that if there’s one thing a brand could do to improve its online shopping experience, it would be ensuring that their personal information is safe.
Leading with a relevant user benefit supported by specific reasons to believe — using clear and reassuring language — can drive trust.
Director, Ads Privacy
Kavata Mbondo
It’s essential to be clear about what you do with people’s information and to help users feel in control of what’s collected.
and control
91% of consumers in surveyed countries say that it is important for brands to be transparent about the data they collect on their customers.
In turn, this can
help drive loyalty.
86% of consumers in surveyed countries will be loyal to a brand (for example, download its app or buy regularly) if it’s transparent about the data it collects.
Clarifying data use from the very first brand interaction and offering controls beyond basic permissions — controls that let people change their preferences and easily opt in and out of sharing — can help.
Translate it all into something that’s relevant and helpful.
66% of consumers in surveyed countries consider it very important to have a personalized experience with a brand.
And this applies
across verticals.
of consumers in surveyed countries consider it very important to have a personalized online shopping experience with a brand.
of consumers in surveyed countries consider it very important to have a personalized online experience with a financial brand.
of consumers in surveyed countries consider it very important to have a personalized experience with travel brands.
From beauty companies investing in AR so that users can virtually try on makeup to retailers using influencers to connect with customers based on their interests, brands are prioritizing usefulness to make their experiences more relevant and authentic.
At Google, the concept of usefulness led us to develop My Ad Center, a tool that gives people helpful, in-the-moment controls that allow them to choose the right ad experience for them.
Here’s how.
VP, Ads User Experience
Suzanne Pellican
Today, people want helpful and safe experiences with brands they care about. This is why trust will shape the future of marketing.
By investing in security, transparency, control, and usefulness, we as an industry can strengthen our privacy strategies and grow stronger customer relationships.
Design & Production: Grow (Agency)
Editor: Marianna Nash
Production Lead: Jenny Maughan
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Elizabeth Tran
Ads Privacy Marketing Manager, Google
Sarah Bradley
Group Research & Insights Manager, Google
Story by:
Google/Storyline Strategies, AU, BR, CA, CN, FR, DE, IN, JP, MX, U.K., U.S., Ad Controls, n=1,000 per market A18–55 with internet access, March 2022.