Ask a researcher: 3 reasons you’re losing customers on your mobile site
Februar 2021Seite teilen
Ask a researcher: 3 reasons you’re losing customers on your mobile site
Raffaella Stratta Februar 2021Now more than ever, consumers are shopping on mobile devices. But this e-commerce experience is often unsatisfying. Many people who browse ultimately don’t buy because of three common mobile site mistakes. This creates billions in revenue opportunities for retailers who get it right.
Raffaella Stratta, research manager at Google, breaks down the major pain points that customers frequently encounter. Businesses that are able to steer clear of these pain points will be set-up for success.
Learn more about Stratta’s research at Google covering opportunities to improve your mobile user experience and kick start your site speed to improve customer conversions.
Sometimes shopping on mobile sites
feels like Alice in Wonderland.
Exactly like Alice,
you see something that catches your attention.
Let's say a friend posting a picture with new headphones,
and you go online, you started to look for the same headphones
♪# brands and you get these treasure hunt feeling, ♪
all good, but then you go down the rabbit hole,
and you are faced with meaningless tasks
like filling a very complicated form.
And this is how the experience get ruined.
My name is Raffaella Stratta,
and I'm a research manager at Google.
(upbeat music)
Smart phones have become an integral part in everyday life.
And with the pandemic,
the mobile commerce accelerated even more.
To give an example, in the UK in 2020, every second,
online purchase was made through a mobile device,
which is quite impressive.
However, three people out of 10
who started to search something to buy online,
ended up not purchasing anything at all.
And it all comes down to a poor user experience.
And this actually adds up
to billions in revenues opportunities
for those retailers that get it right.
(calm music)
We have identified three major pain points
that customers more frequently encounter.
Number one is scrolling fatigue.
This is the biggest pain points identified.
Finding the best option out of hundreds
can be felt as repetitive and aimless,
especially if you're searching through a mobile phone.
Remember, you can only see one or two products at a time
when you are using your mobile device.
Number two is unfulfilled autofill.
It can be highly frustrating for customers
if they can't easily to retrieve their personal information.
Let's say like payment details.
Nobody feels comfortable in pulling out the credit card
while they are in public,
or maybe they don't have the card at hand.
And even if they have it, well, filling a tiny form
on a tiny screen is just not convenient.
And the last pain point is site speed.
Even a fraction of seconds can lead to some friction
for websites' users.
And friction leads to frustration.
Don't expect your customer to stick around
for the final checkout phases.
Providing a delightful shopping experience
is crucial for brands.
If customer wind up like Alice down in the rabbit hole,
well, don't expect them to come back.
But if you provide them a positive experience, well,
there are good chances that they're going to purchase
on your website and hopefully come back again in the future.
(calm music)
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