> 1/3
More than 1/3 of smartphone users will immediately go to another company’s site or mobile app if they don't get what they need.
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More than 1/3 of smartphone users will immediately go to another company’s site or mobile app if they don't get what they need.
Google/Ipsos Connect, Playbook Omnibus 2018, n=1,604 U.S. online smartphone users, A18+, Jan. 2018.
Watch time for tourism-related videos in the Philippines has increased over 90% in the last year.
Mobile searches for "flights to ___" have grown by over 110% in the past 2 years (flights to vegas, flights to hawaii, flights to miami).
16% of people surveyed say they were inspired to book a trip because they had wanted to travel to a destination for some time.
7% of people surveyed booked a trip because they saw a special offer or discounted price for travel to a destination.
of people surveyed say they didn’t make a booking online when they intended to because it didn’t meet their needs.