When it comes to purchasing consumer electronics, people put a lot of time and thought into what they want to buy. For these shoppers, the time between deciding to buy something and actually making the purchase can be several months. This research study examines when users find out about these products, how they research them and more.
How is the consumer electronic purchase process changing in a digitally powered world? How effective are traditional ads at changing purchasing behavior? Google partnered with Shopper Sciences to reveal the role of the Zero Moment of Truth for the personal electronics category and found:
- Personal technology products are a very considered purchase. Shoppers take several months or longer from when they decide to buy in the category to actual purchase.
- The average tech shopper uses more than 14 sources of information to arrive at their decision. Younger shoppers use over 21 sources.
- The vast majority — nearly 9 in 10 shoppers — engage in multiple ZMOT activities. Search, comparison websites, brand and retailer websites are key information sources for shoppers.
- Men are more likely to engage in mobile behaviors than women tech shoppers.
- Women tech shoppers are more likely to engage in digital post purchase behavior (like sharing online) than men.