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Your guide to the consumer’s shopping journey

The internet has changed how people shop. People are doing more research before purchasing. And brand loyalty? It’s a thing of the past. We created this guide to help you navigate three critical steps in the new shopping journey: inspiration, research, and purchase. Explore our collection of articles, data, and insights to learn more.

Discovery: Shoppers find inspiration and advice online

Whether they’re deciding to buy, learning how to use a product, or inspiring their next purchase, online video is a huge resource for today’s shoppers.

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Research: Today’s consumers are curious about every purchase, big or small

With a world of information at their fingertips, shoppers can arm themselves with information before they buy. Meeting these moments with seamless, assistive experience is the only way brands can differentiate themselves.

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Purchase: Mobile shopping is becoming the new normal

Shoppers are leaning into mobile shopping — especially for spontaneous purchases and to inform their in-store trips. Thanks to the breadth and strength of resources available online, people are becoming comfortable with discovering and buying in the moment.

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