Reach cautious customers who have a new set of values

Elizabeth Wang

Social Module


A person with short curly hair in athletic clothing and wearing a headband runs while holding dumbbells. The search term “best running shoe” appears in a search bar at top, and 3 out of 4 stars are lit up in a text bubble.

You are reading part 1 of the 5-part retail guide. Jump to Capture brand awareness and consideration during moments of discovery, Stand out online to maximize your profits, Expand omnichannel sales, or Engage shoppers throughout holiday peaks.

Today’s shoppers think differently about their purchases. They’re more careful and willing to move away from brands and experiences they’ve relied on in the past. Here, we break down exactly how consumer-behavior habits have changed, and why Google remains an important factor in the shopping journey.

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This video introduces Lucy, a shopkeeper, and details how she reaches her customers to sell a particular dress by using Google products.

Offer more than just a good deal

Even in an uncertain economic environment, shoppers aren’t necessarily focused on bargain hunting. Instead, they’re looking for value, quality, and good customer service. They’re also taking intentional steps to limit impulse purchases and prioritize essential items.

A transparent blue check mark appears over a refrigerator and TV set. 53% of consumers say they are more likely to buy for durability versus affordable products that may need to be replaced more frequently.

Google/Forrester, AU, BR, CA, CN, CZ, DK, FR, DE, GR, HK, IN, IL, IT, JP, KR, NL, MX, PL, ES, ZA, SE, CH, TW, TR, AE, U.K., U.S., The Next Wave of Agency Growth Demand for Creativity, Analytics, and Consulting Signals Growth Opportunities, agencies survey N=2,152, July 2022–Aug. 2022.

Attract new shoppers as brand loyalty fades

With the rise of more conscious and intentional shopping, brand loyalty has become less influential on people’s purchasing decisions. Instead, they’re increasingly open to trying new brands, businesses, and products that might align with their needs and values. In fact, you can influence shoppers to consider your brand by merely being visible next to a competitor.

Use Google to inspire conscious consumers

Amid all these behavioral changes, one constant remains: People still turn to Google to discover and shop for what they care about. Specifically, Search and YouTube are key shopping resources for customers who are seamlessly switching from discovery and inspiration to consideration and purchase across digital, apps, and physical stores.

A magnifying glass hovers over a shopping cart. Forty percent of shoppers go to Google when researching a purchase they plan to make in-store or online.

Google-commissioned Ipsos tracker, AU, BR, CA, CN, FR, DE, IN, IT, JP, KR, MX, RU, ZA, ES, U.K., U.S., n=500–1,000 online consumers 18+ per market, Sept. 9, 2021–Sept. 12, 2021.

The search term “packing hacks” appears in a YouTube search bar over a toiletry kit resting on top of carry-on luggage. Four travel-size bottles are lined up in front of the kit.

Capture brand awareness and consideration during moments of discovery

Explore the guide

Part 1: Reach cautious customers who have a new set of values
Part 2: Capture brand awareness and consideration during moments of discovery
Part 3: Stand out online to maximize your profits
Part 4: Expand omnichannel sales
Part 5: Engage shoppers throughout holiday peaks


Elizabeth Wang

Retail Group Marketing Manager, Global Ads


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