A new breed of consumers have arrived. Empowered by mobile, today’s consumers can get exactly what they want, instantly and effortlessly. As a result, they are more curious, demanding, and impatient than ever before. For marketers, this means these consumers are also tougher to reach and tougher to please. A brand’s ability to leverage data to anticipate their needs will define its ability to grow.
Explore three emerging consumer behaviors and dig into data and insights that will help you rethink your marketing strategies.
The Curious Consumer
People have become research-obsessed, even about the small stuff. Today, people are researching more than ever, so each decision — be it big or small — is an informed one.
> 80 %
growth in "best" mobile searches in the past two years. 1
The Demanding Consumer
Today, people expect every digital experience to be personalized just for them, even when they include few details and don’t explicitly spell out their request.
The Impatient Consumer
People are making decisions faster than ever—and they expect to act on those decisions in the moment.
> 150 %
growth in mobile searches for “___ near me now” 2